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Technological Solutionism: Capitalism and Apathy in the Age of Nihilism
The pandemic has shone a light on the structural failures of our system that had previously lurked conspicuously in the shadows. Our hyper technological neoliberal society is an unsustainable mechanism to guarantee the moral and spiritual well being of our society.
Repeated ad nauseum in the media, the COVID-19 pandemic has “changed our world forever”. It has been made known that we are now entering a “new normal”. However, this is a misleading statement. The world has not changed. The threat of a mutated virus that could lead to this scenario has been around since the dawn of time. The laws of nature haven’t changed, and we have always been confined to the realities of our ecosystem.
What had changed many decades ago is the society that resides within this “world” of ours.
Today’s understanding of society is built upon an anthropic system obsessed by technological progress. This system is sustained by a neoliberal capitalist ideology which puts profit over health. Moreover, the rapid increase in technological progress has disrupted our understanding of life whether moral, spiritual or civil. A disruption that has created a vacuum in our political, economic, and sociological institutions bringing many people to lament a decay of our civilisation.
The future of our civilisation has been tied unequivocally to the ark of technological progress. Thus taking us away from the biological and closer to the virtual. We are…