Adrian de León
3 min readAug 28, 2024


Outside the large room with the conditioned air and the platitudes in the shape of marketing slogans, another type of citizen resides, cast to the shadows, whose presence is often too inconvenient, so the politicians legislate to create new laws that dehumanise them and bars them from existing. These are the kind of humans whose private and public lives have been merged into one, they have been displaced by the invisible hand of the free market, that ideology that is promoted by paid actors with large smiles and the dead eyes. Those same actors who give millions, if not billions, of dollars to nation states who make dead eyes out of the innocent. Out on these streets, this other kind of citizen, lives on the periphery because they played the game but lost it, simply because the wind blew too strongly on their dice. That’s show business folks.

It’s the land of the free and the home of the brave, or perhaps its the land of the brave and the home of the free, but either way it doesn’t matter because these are just platitudes, attitudes instilled in childhood, embedded through music and movies where the cameras are rolling and there is director, who say they are making art, but really they are just here to sell you a dream, and a few products along the way. These are the products that no one really wants or needs until someone tells me that they do, and all of the sudden they feel as if they can’t live without it and pity those who don’t have these things, and pity even more those who don’t know they can’t live without it. To be free or brave is to be free enough to consume and brave enough to consume everything. That’s just business folks.

Outside the large room with the conditioned air and the platitudes in the shape of marketing slogans, another type of citizen resides, cast to the shadows, whose presence is often too inconvenient, so the politicians legislate to create new laws that dehumanise them and criminalises their existence. These are the kind of humans whose private and public lives have been merged into one, they have been displaced by the invisible hand of the free market — that ideology that is promoted by paid actors with large smiles and the dead eyes. Those same actors who give millions, if not billions, of dollars to nation states who make dead eyes out of the innocent. Out on these streets, this other kind of citizen, lives on the periphery because they played the game but lost it, simply because the wind blew too strongly on their dice. That’s show business folks.

It’s the land of the free and the home of the brave, or perhaps its the land of the brave and the home of the free, but either way it doesn’t matter because these are just platitudes, attitudes instilled in childhood, embedded through music and movies where the cameras are rolling and there is director, who say they are making art, but really they are just here to sell you a dream, and a few products along the way. These are the products that no one really wants or needs until someone tells them that they do, and all of a sudden they feel as if they can’t live without it and pity those who don’t have these things, and pity even more those who don’t know they can’t live without it. To be free or brave is to be free enough to consume and brave enough to consume everything. That’s just business folks.



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